The Brief
It is often the case that contracted companies and their staff will be required to fill out forms whilst on site. These documents usually range from risk assessments to project sign-off documents. Once complete, the documents are either scanned into a computer or written up by hand to be stored within the system. As we now live in an always-connected digital age, this method of data capture is obsolete. With this in mind, we began planning a subscription based, white-labelled mobile app that not only solves the problem but also improves the productivity and organisation of the work force.
What We Did
We started by sitting down with a number of local construction companies to get a better understanding of how the app could be of benefit. It became clear that the primary concern regarding a digital solution was the possibility that data could be lost. With an understanding of the needs and concerns of each company, we began building a reporting tool using the AngularJS and Ionic framework.
The primary purpose of the tool is to provide an intuitive form interface that makes it simple for the user to fill out required fields and include attachments. In order to secure the app, each member of staff needs to have an active user account. The number of available accounts is based on the package chosen at the start of the subscription. In order to improve the overall usability of the app, we have implemented a number of additional features such as the ability to attach images, record and attach audio clips, attach video clips, view PDFs and create calendar attachments. Once the user has finished writing a report, the content will sent to a specified email address. Our custom API handles this process; using the data from the report, it is able to generate an email and PDF attachment on the server to be sent to the client. If the user doesn’t have a valid internet connection, the report will be saved locally on their device to ensure that data isn't lost. The report will then be sent automatically once an active network connection has been detected.
The service app has proven itself to be extremely versatile, with our clientele stretching from local construction companies through to multinational pumping machinery manufacturers. In addition to making it easier for businesses to track and monitor staff working in the field, the service app has also allowed our clients to go paper free, meaning no more lost forms and paperwork! This ensures that every job and project has a fully tracked and stored audit, with the data accuracy guaranteed through tools such as on site photos and automatic GPS and date tracking. Best of all, the cloud storage provides access from anywhere at anytime, and will automatically scale to match your exact needs and usage.
How It Looks
The service app has a clean, simple design, and can be modified to use any logo and colour scheme. View more by clicking the images below.